C. S. Lewis

Gelīcness C. S. Leƿis on Beal Fegrste

Clive Staples Leƿis, ēac on Englisce Cliff Staples Hlōþƿīg (ƿæs geboren þæs 29. dæges Blōtmōnaðes þæs 1898. gēares - cƿæl þæs 22. dæges Blōtmōnaðes þæs 1963. gēares), þe man oft hāteþ C. S. Leƿis, and his frīend and cynn hine hēton Jack (on Englisce Iohannes), ƿæs ƿrītere, lēoþƿyrhta, lārgyldmann, midyldlārmann, bōclīc dēma, costnunggeƿritmann, lǣƿede godlārmann, and Crīsten lārlādere fram Beal Fegrste on Norþīrum. Hē is gecūþ for his lēasspellum, tō bȳsne Þā Tīdƿrītunga Narnia and Þā Þrēo Spell Rodores, and ēac for his eornostum geƿritum, tō bȳsne Ānfeald Crīstendōm.

Cliff and Iohannes Tolkien ƿǣron lēofe frīend. Begen ƿrīteras ƿorhton onmiddan þǣm lārhīrēde þǣre Engliscan sprǣce on Oxenafordeormengylde, and begen ƿorhton in þǣm ungesettan bōclīcan framscipe þe hātte "the Inklings", þe nēan mǣneþ "se fruma ymbþonca".

Þæs 1956. gēares ƿīfode hē þā Geānedrīciscan ƿrīticgan Joy Davidman, þe ƿæs 17 gēara giengre þonne hē, and þē cƿæl 4 gēara æfter for cancerādle. Cliff cƿæl þrim gēarum æfter his ƿīf cƿæl for cropbyrste. Hē cƿæl ānre ƿuce befōran his 65. gebyrddæge. Sēo tīdungendebyrdness ne cȳðde fela ymbe his dēað for þȳ þe hit gelomp þæs ilcan dæges þæs þe se Fōresittend þāra Geāndena Rīca Iohannes Kennedy ƿæs myrðrod, and þæs þe ōðer brēme ƿrītere Aldous Huxley cƿæl. Cliffes geƿritu ƿǣron aƿend tō mā þonne 30 sprǣca and þūsendþūsendlīce sind hīe cīpt. Þā bēc Þāra Tīdƿrītunga Narnia sind brēmosta and ƿǣron tō feorsīene, ƿæferstōƿplegan, and ūtƿeorpende gesetta.

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